Thursday 10 September 2015

Portuguese and Brits united by sense of humour

LAUGHS, and plenty of them, are guaranteed whenever I'm in Portugal. Why? Because they have the same sense of humour as us. And this isn't even a joke, it's a real warning road sign! We could do with a few zillion of these in the UK...

The Brits have a biting, sarcastic, sardonic wit that, let's face it, some nations just don't get. I was in Canada once on a press trip with a bunch of fellow journalists and it was the done thing to trade a few playful insults.

I will never forgot the look of utter horror on our Canadian guide's face when Miranda hurled a cutting jibe at Jonny over his 'bum-fluff' facial hair because he hadn't bothered to shave.  It was just in jest. They knew it, I knew it, all the Brits knew it. We all smirked on unison while Jonny bit back with equal ferocity (in jest). The only one who didn't realise just a joke was the horrified Canadian who thought he was about to witness a typical scene from EastEnders (British soap where everyone shouts ALL the time. I never watch it!)

Sarcasm is the way we roll, and the Portuguese are brilliant at it too. So much so, it's a joy to behold. They are also great actors. Ask them for another beer on a red hot day and they will say, with deadpan expression: 'I am sorry, all the beer is finished.'

After you've ranted and huffed and puffed they'll burst out laughing and say: 'Only joking!'

Simple humour maybe, but I love it. In Britain we have a name for it: banter.

I once asked for a very small cappuccino at Hugo's Tapas (great little bar in Acoteias) and this is what I got....

Yep.... a VERY small cappuccino! In an espresso cup. Brilliant. That's what I love about the Portuguese. Always ready to have a laugh, and make me laugh....

As for the aforementioned road sign?! I couldn't get over it. Brilliant but a bit off-putting if you're just on your way out for your evening meal....

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