Thursday 17 September 2015

BRRH! Cold out of season? Do we look cold?

NESH is a colloquial English word which means you feel the cold intensely. And that's a shame if you're a Brit because in this neck of the woods it's nearly always chilly, rainy, windy - or all three.

Plus we get snow and ice but not enough snow to have any fun with it. That's to say, not enough show to ski, or go husky sledding. Basically, for seven months of the year the UK is grey and dreary and for the other five months temperatures struggle to stay in double figures. For us, 21C is balmy and on the rare occasions we see the likes of 80F the newspapers go into meltdown and warn of sunstroke, hose pipe bans and the shops running out of barbecue sausages.

I tell you all this because I notice I have some readers in the good old US of A so want to give you the background of why I get so annoyed when friends moan that the weather is too cold in Portugal out of season. Maybe I have just been lucky but this was a BITINGLY COLD NEW YEAR'S EVE 2015... My lad had to wear knee length swimming trunks in a desperate bid to keep warm!

Yes,  it dropped cold at night and you needed a coat and jumper then, but for goodness sake, you could sunbathe in the day.

How about this for  a FREEZING FEBRUARY! Shiver me timbers!!

Not convinced yet? How about MISERABLE MARCH?

Ok, Ok, I've seen rain. One whole day of it one October. Relentless. But the next day it was glorious again. It was rainy this March (2015) too but we were still in shorts in the day time. All I can say is that I'm  very NESH and it's plenty hot enough for me pretty much anytime...

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