Monday 14 September 2015

Portugal, the total anthithesis to car-obsessed UK

Drive an old motor in England and you're looked down on like a leper. Materialistic Brits obsess over cars, spend thousands on them and talk about engine sizes, start-stop technology and dampers. How boring is that! I only got rid of my last faithful motor, a Peugeot 106 diesel, after 10 years because slugs were mysteriously getting inside  it and giving me a nasty, sqelchy shock when I pressed the accelerator. No idea how or why they got in. My mechanic  was baffled too.

Consequently, another thing I like about Portugal is the fact that you're more likely to see an old car than a new one, and flash Harry types are few and far between. Instead, look out for gems like this....

Apparently cars are expensive in Portugal and the economy means disposal incomes don't run to new cars every five minutes, but the country is all the better for it, I feel. No Audi drivers hugging your bumper, no boy racers in Lamborghinis... but you will see some classic motors looking immaculate.

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