Thursday 24 September 2015

Slush for tea? Be careful, you may get Fatos...5 daft holiday snaps!

PLEASE tell me I am not alone in taking pictures of daft things on holiday? Surely, everyone does it. After all, you can only take so many sun, sea and sand shots. And showing off Portugal's glorious beaches does tend to nark people after  a while. So let's  try something new. Five holiday snaps taken just because they made me smile, like this inviting sign. YUM!

And I wasn't quite sure what to make of the contents of this clothes shop....

'Feed the fish' was a phrase often heard in Derby when striker Conor Sammon played for Derby County FC. Well, how about feeding the fish for real...

Just watch the rascal doesn't bite your hand off when you offer him a generous portion of your breakfast bread and butter. There are some very happy, tubby fish in Portugal fed by generous British holidaymakers. We love our birds and animals. I heard today that 50 per event of British people feed wild birds, so much so some of our feathered friends are delaying winging it to warmer climates in Autumn. They just pork out in our back gardens! But I digress. The next picture is more jaw-dropping than amusing because we Brits can never get over how cheap alcohol is in some foreign countries. We are taxed to high heaven on it in the UK. That's why I couldn't resist this photo...

ONE euro is about 72p... for a pint!!!! So the drinks are on me, folks, at that bar! The beer is incredibly cheap but I am picky. When it comes to those two famous Portuguese brews, Sagres and Super Bock there is only one, very clear winner. When the heat is on, this is the perfect refresher...

Sagres, I am sad to say, and it is only my opinion, sucks...

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