Saturday 12 September 2015

ARMEN, the barman... Falesia Hotel's barrel of laughs

Blame Fawlty Towers, but we love a humorous foreign barman, preferably with a big black moustache.

The trials of Manuel at the hands of Basil Fawlty stand out in the comedy halls of fame. But though Fawlty Towers is long gone - and wasn't real anyway - a genuine comedy barman makes hundreds of Brits laugh every summer at The Falesia Hotel.

Please allow me to introduce you to Armen the barman  from Armenia, comedy king, pool bar supremo, cocktail maestro and all round good egg at the ALGARVE'S Falesia Hotel, quite possibly the best hotel in the entire region.

Here he is.... HELLO ARMEN!
He works at a Thomson Gold hotel, which jets in acts from the UK to entertain the people who like that sort of thing. But anyone who values a night of real comedy, ducks out of the enforced jollity and, instead, props up the pool bar to witness the jokes and japes of Armen,  a man with great comedy timing. Typical Armen lines include:
Would you like fresh ice or frozen ice my darling?
You want milk? Is that black milk or white milk?
That will be 184 euros.... only.... (a customer has just ordered two coffees)
Nice to see you, to see you nice
I'll  be back.... OOOOOHHH yes!
I know it sounds corny but it's the way he tells them. And the way he laughs like a drain every time he catches out a new holidaymaker for the first time with one of his old favourites. Plus he SMILES all the time. Just seeing that cheeky grin lifts your spirits. Ask him to show you his 'magic' tricks, inspired by his professional magician buddy Luca Gallone (

Armen fans will get this  video. Others may not, but trust me. Armen is a cure for the blues. He should be available on prescription....

If you don't believe me check out how many people mention him on the Falesia Hotel's rave reviews on TripAdvisor. Go on, get yourself over to the Falesia, get to know Armen and laugh with this Armenian genius...

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