Thursday 1 October 2015

7 ways to bring a bit of Portugal home in your hand luggage

REMINDERS of Portugal and its blue skies are essential to bring back to the UK -  or wherever you live. But if, like me, it's a budget airline jaunt with hand-luggage, bringing anything home other than your dirty knickers can be troublesome.

And I'm no fan of stupid knick-knacks either. I like useful stuff. It is possible to load up with port at FARO Airport but struggling with lots of clanking bottles is no joke either.

However, there  are a few things you can sneak into your hand luggage with relative ease. How about...

1. A new number for your house, Portuguese tile style? Here's mine. The frames a bit battered due to our great British weather but I love my little reminder of sunny holidays.

2. A drinks menu from your favourite bar is nice too, but do ask permission, of course. You can ponder your next cocktail for months while you're waiting to go back to Portugal.

3. A Super Bock glass. Again, you have to get to know a friendly barman but they are plentiful,

4. A tiny jar of Portuguese honey. I bought this at Quinta Do Mel in Acoteias, a lovely honey, tea and herb farm, B&B and café. We strolled along to it one day, were randomly invited to join a tour and then given a free glass of lemon verbena ice tea. Those super friendly Portuguese strike again. But I did buy some tea to take home and this... the honey's long gone but the sweet memory remains.

5. Cards from all your favourite bars and restaurants. It's a must folks...

6.  Pictures.... Your camera holds some great memories but, often, they end up stuck in our cameras or computers. I have favourite shots put on canvas prints. These are in my kitchen.

7. Finally, you can't get this in your hand luggage but foreign holidays sparked my love for geraniums. I grow and nurture them and even bring them indoors to nurse them through the British winter. The result? A magnificent summer display. Here's one of many pots I dot around my garden...

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