Tuesday 25 October 2016

I accidentally took a photo of paradise on earth...

Portugal is as close to paradise on earth as it gets. Don't believe me? well, just look at the pictures below, captured in October in the Algarve. We all know the beaches are something special but, the world's most average snappers (me!) suddenly morph into expert photographers. Without even trying. Just turn and point your camera and the lens is filled with nature's beauty.

I don't have the best camera on the world, or fancy lenses, and I have taken many beach pictures before but some of the shots I took on a recent break took my breath away. They have NOT been photoshopped or tweaked in any way. They are genuine, authentic, perfect.

This picture is so beautiful it is like a painting. I liken it to the best holiday brochure picture you could ever imagine but better because this image has true integrity. It not been staged or set up in any way. It was just a quick snap by me with the sun glaring into my eyes. I never realised how special it was until I processed it.

Here's another gem from the same batch. An Autumnal Falesia beach with the tide out. Stunning. I love the feeling of peace and isolation.

I especially love this fishing shot too. The fishermen were nearby, having a laugh and a joke when something was clearly tugging on the line. I shot into the setting sun in the late afternoon.

If you have any wonderful Portugal beach shots to share I would love to see them. It's eye therapy!

Sunday 3 July 2016


Portugal Rules OK!: 5 TIPS FOR DERBY COUNTY PLAYERS HEADING TO PORTUGA...: DERBY County's footballers are jetting off to the Algarve in Portugal for their pre-season tour to get set for the 2016-17 season. Can&#...


DERBY County's footballers are jetting off to the Algarve in Portugal for their pre-season tour to get set for the 2016-17 season. Can't think why?!  I mean, it's gloriously hot of course, 30C-36C in July, in sharp contrast to the UK summer of 2016 which lurches from clouds to showers to flashes of sunshine to showers, to clouds, to.... Well, you get the picture. Good old Derby is generally 10C to 15C cooler than the Algarve at any given time of day! But we can console ourselves with Birds cakes, anytime!

Can't blame DCFC for wanting a bit of guaranteed sunshine to make up for the fact they'll spend half the season shivering their nether regions off  in sub-zero temperatures, driving rain, snow, sleet and wild winds. Doubt Portuguese players have to wear gloves very often. Mind you, for them 16C is probably chilly.

Also, the Rams' pre-season trip  can't be anything to do with golf, can it? The Algarve is renowned for its golf. I wonder if DCFC are staying at one of the Algarve's many luxury golf resorts, per chance? Couldn't blame them for that either. Their new boss Nigel Pearson probably likes a round or two.

The fact is, nearly every year a Premier League or Championship side chooses to have a pre-season tour in Portugal. Sunderland FC love it there. Some of their stars were videod dancing the night away in an Albufeira nightclub a couple of years ago. Many Derbyshire people will have been to the very same club. The Algarve is a huge favourite with the Brits and flights jet off from EMA to Portugal practically every day. No doubt some Rams fans will be wrangling a trip out there right now to make the Benfica game.

Anyway, if any Rams players are newbies to Portugal here are some things they need to know. Firstly, don't eat this!


This, my friends, is a sea cucumber as opposed to a real cucumber. Go find one on the beach then leave it in peace and eat something sensible.
Sardines, cataplana (fish stew) and salted cod dishes are Portuguese classics but my favourite is Francesinha (little Frenchie). This little gem was born in Porto and is, basically, one hell of a hot sandwich. It's got bread, it's got, steak, it's got cheese, it sits in a kind of tomato soup-style sauce and it's topped off with an egg. After a night out clubbing in Albufeira, this heavyweight will soak up any excess beer with ease. But don't tell the club health guru. They might make you eat salad for a week afterwards. My other tip is order HALF a francesinha, unless you have the appetite of a full-size dinosaur. They are delicious, though. Trust me.

If that doesn't light your fire, try duck rice. It's delicious. Honest.

Night life.... well, if you want to boogie on down you'll need to head to the Strip in Albufeira. Plenty of pubs, clubs and Irish bars.  It will certainly remind you of home, apart from being much hotter, of course. Try Matt's Bar. If that's not your bag there are plenty of other options. How about ...

Rams fans, send your #albufeira nightlife recommendations to #DCFC players...


Quenching your thirst will be essential in 35C heat so here are two options, the good and the naughty but very nice, especially in a chilled glass. Try a Super Bock. Great to cool down and it won't break the bank, even post-Brexit.

However, your health guru may prefer it if you buy an orange squeezer and grab one of these bargains, often sold on the roadside.... To be honest, both drinks are gorgeous.

Whatever you do in the Algarve it's vital you don't miss out on seeing the beautiful natural wonder that draws most sensible people there; the jaw-droppingly beautiful beaches. The sand will be red hot under foot during the day but please don't miss out on this, lads. You'll be able to snap pictures worthy of a holiday brochure on your smart phones in seconds. Happy holiday! Oops sorry. Happy pre-season tour you super RAMS!



Friday 4 March 2016

Portugal Rules OK!: 6 GREAT reasons to visit Portugal in spring

Portugal Rules OK!: 6 GREAT reasons to visit Portugal in spring: It's been too long and I've been too quiet on this blog for a while.  Blame it on the British winter which drains my so...

6 GREAT reasons to visit Portugal in spring

It's been too long and I've been too quiet on this blog for a while.  Blame it on the British winter which drains my soul.... and makes my fingers too cold to type. Sub-zero hell!

Right now I'm in bed nursing a terrible cold and desperately waiting for the British winter to end.
On that very subject, here are SIX reasons to consider a late winter/spring break in Portugal.

1. The weather. Ok, it's not blisteringly hot but you can expect a comfortable 16-18C and on a good day even higher temperatures. In recent days, thermometers have hit 20C.  Believe me, I know. I torment myself by comparing the Algarve temperatures to the UK nearly every day. You can get a fair bit of rain in Portugal in spring but pick the right week and you can bag seven days of total sunshine. I was lucky enough to enjoy a glorious week of brilliant sunshine one February half term quite by chance a few years ago. After months of harsh temperatures you feel as if you're in heaven. I am convinced you feel the benefit of a sunshine break far more in the winter than in the summer. My tip would be to check out the latest forecasts and  book last minute if you can to ensure the best weather possible.

2. Empty beaches. Out of season it feels like you own the beach. I confess, I get disgruntled if I see other people on it! But even if you do they will be thin and far between. You can stroll for miles in total peace and tranquillity, with just the sounds of the ocean to soothe your soul. Bliss.

3. Incredible value. Before the summer season kicks in you will find some amazing bargains at hotels and self catering apartments. I always use TripAdvisor to check reviews and nail deals. Last year I booked  a week for two  at a four star luxury hotel in March and, with flights, the holiday cost about £500. Go self catering and you'll slash that even more. However, as you may get the odd splash of rain, I'd advise choosing somewhere with an indoor pool.

5. Oranges, blossom and blue skies. Ok, that's three reasons in one but after months of gloomy winter days it's totally exhilarating to look up at clear blue skies, see trees heavy with oranges and flowers galore in an array of rich colours. Feed your soul.

6. Escape the rat-race. Sick of UK traffic chaos, police sirens and the madness of everyday life? Portugal's so laid back it's the perfect antidote to the craziness of British life. Grab your swimming gear, book that flight and treat yourself to some peace and quiet.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Why I'm craving blue skies, sunshine and, inevitably, Portugal

It's happened again. It always does. The dark, wet and soon to be -5C British winter (predicted next week, folks) has made me crave sunshine, crave warmth, crave light,  crave Portugal ...
It's crazy - I was last there not so long ago,  the end of October in fact. Just over two months have gone by and I'm wishing I was back there again. Here's why ....
The picture, above, was taken about five years ago one glorious February. I struck lucky. Not a drop of rain all  week and the  average daytime temperature of 18C felt glorious after a  bitterly cold British winter. In England, the seasons often blend into one, not too hot, not too cold but always lots of grey skies and rain. Plus, it's so dark. Dark when I drive to work and dark when I drive home.
At the start of that holiday I remember taking off from the UK  and watching as the plane climbed up through what seemed like miles of thick, dense cloud before reaching blue skies and sunshine above. What a relief it was to reach those heady heights.
What I didn't realise then was that Portugal was to become my must-visit destination of choice for years to come. My children love it, my partner loves it and  I love it. Oh for an empty beach....
The chaotic rat-race of UK life does grind you down. This week the nation went back to work after the Christmas holidays and, immediately, it's gridlock hell on the roads.
On Wednesday it took me nearly an hour-and-a half to get to work and an hour to get back. It should be a 25-minute journey each way. And my commute is nothing compared to some. The British travel for hours to reach jobs they don't even enjoy half the time.
A few day ago, a chap on the checkout at a local store (he looked about 28) looked exhausted. He told me he had three jobs, two of which were full-time, 40 hours per week each.
Don't ask me how he manages that! I asked and never got a plausible answer. He told me he juggled three jobs because he wanted to leave a legacy for his kids.
Just maybe, his kids would prefer to spend time with their great dad than have a legacy.
Brits often put money and work first. We race to life's finishing post, barely stopping for a sandwich, and fail to savour or enjoy our days half the time.
That's why I enjoy Portugal so much. Its tranquillity stops me in my tracks. It makes me live for the moment, savour the views, feel the sand between my toes. Time slows down, peace reigns and the idyllic beach walks seem to last forever. Like this sunset one, below. Wonder what paradise is like? You're looking at it, folks. Methinks it's time to go back...