Thursday 7 January 2016

Why I'm craving blue skies, sunshine and, inevitably, Portugal

It's happened again. It always does. The dark, wet and soon to be -5C British winter (predicted next week, folks) has made me crave sunshine, crave warmth, crave light,  crave Portugal ...
It's crazy - I was last there not so long ago,  the end of October in fact. Just over two months have gone by and I'm wishing I was back there again. Here's why ....
The picture, above, was taken about five years ago one glorious February. I struck lucky. Not a drop of rain all  week and the  average daytime temperature of 18C felt glorious after a  bitterly cold British winter. In England, the seasons often blend into one, not too hot, not too cold but always lots of grey skies and rain. Plus, it's so dark. Dark when I drive to work and dark when I drive home.
At the start of that holiday I remember taking off from the UK  and watching as the plane climbed up through what seemed like miles of thick, dense cloud before reaching blue skies and sunshine above. What a relief it was to reach those heady heights.
What I didn't realise then was that Portugal was to become my must-visit destination of choice for years to come. My children love it, my partner loves it and  I love it. Oh for an empty beach....
The chaotic rat-race of UK life does grind you down. This week the nation went back to work after the Christmas holidays and, immediately, it's gridlock hell on the roads.
On Wednesday it took me nearly an hour-and-a half to get to work and an hour to get back. It should be a 25-minute journey each way. And my commute is nothing compared to some. The British travel for hours to reach jobs they don't even enjoy half the time.
A few day ago, a chap on the checkout at a local store (he looked about 28) looked exhausted. He told me he had three jobs, two of which were full-time, 40 hours per week each.
Don't ask me how he manages that! I asked and never got a plausible answer. He told me he juggled three jobs because he wanted to leave a legacy for his kids.
Just maybe, his kids would prefer to spend time with their great dad than have a legacy.
Brits often put money and work first. We race to life's finishing post, barely stopping for a sandwich, and fail to savour or enjoy our days half the time.
That's why I enjoy Portugal so much. Its tranquillity stops me in my tracks. It makes me live for the moment, savour the views, feel the sand between my toes. Time slows down, peace reigns and the idyllic beach walks seem to last forever. Like this sunset one, below. Wonder what paradise is like? You're looking at it, folks. Methinks it's time to go back...